Sexy boys in Stilettos and high fashion? May I intruduce: Kazaky, an up coming Ukrainian boy band. Or, as the press say: “Shocking, sexy guys, showing an incredible combination of masculine beauty, plastics and choreography create a show that turns the mind.” A perfect combination if you ask me.
The boys first caught notice in late October 2010 with “In The Middle”. After lots of attention across the web for the song (over a million views), the boys released now their new song“Love.” Butenoughwritten,make yourselfapicturewiththisbeautifulvideo, I watched it like 187 times, and it's still not enough!
After afewweeksabsenceduevacationandwork, Iam happy to be backon my blog! InViennais stillallthe same - who is suprised? But the vernissage -seasonhasstartedagain andallartfansandalcoholicsshould be glad. Thisyoutubevideo showsmewhyIwillalways be setinataxiafter an vernissage but alsowhyIbecameanart fan. Forthose whowant to makeit like mybuddies, check out this vernnissagenCalendar:
With its central location on the Naschmarkt-area, Linke Wienzeile 22, the Cafe Drechsler attracts a diverse crowd of night clubbers, tourists and yuppies. Serving traditional Viennese cuisine and coffee like mostley in Vienna, the Drechsler stands out because they open 23 hours daily. So in the early hours this coffeeshop turns into a big after-hour place with sometimes famous dj's on the turntables and soitismorefamous foritsafter-hourspartieswiththeViennesepartysceneasfor thetraditionalhistoryof the house. Few years ago the legendary cafe was also stylishly new created by British designer Sir Terence Conran. So I guess I will see you at the next afterhour!
The new youtube and facebook-hit Ursula Stressned by copy_paste is atributetotheViennesenight life...
PartyinViennauntilthemorninghours?Noproblem!Exceptin thefirstdistrict.District ChairwomanUrsulaStenzlhasacurfewby 4clock for the 1st district,whichaffectsespeciallythefamous clubflex.But copy_paste, ogrisdebris, christopher just andcoprotested now: They coveredthesummerhit from ducksauze"BarbraStreisand".One toone, thevideo was reshotwithwell known Viennesepeople likeMelMerio,EdgarRetroandTamaraMascara.The refrain,Ursulastressnet( Ursula, do not stressus)andthemassagethatVienna is aparty city, evenafter 4clock! enjoy!
Valentine's Day,singleandnoromanticdatepromising? Then hitthedisco:welovetolove,weloveto party! This Mondayisa specialline-up at Edgar Retros "so messed up" in theFlex: JetSetStarletMelMeriowill beliveonstage with someof herlatestmasterpieces,supportedby theglamorousTamaraMascarawithaValentine's day burlesqueshow! G.Rizo and SM84 supported by EdgarRetro will make sure that we don't wanna leave the dancefloor until 4 o'clock. Soblownotrouble andbe @theFlex(onthe Donaukanal) from 11pm on. Admission: 5€ Have fun and a happy Valentine's day!